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When you choose to physically establish your e-Gaming business in the Isle of Man, you are providing substance towards your operations, enabling you to demonstrate economic activities in the Isle of Man ensuring management and control remains within the Isle of Man, this helps demonstrate that operations exist and nominees are not bring exercised. 


This allows you to maintain and ensure control of your own business and its future.


While representatives, such as Advocates or Corporate Service Providers can perform a lot of the administrative procedures (see Procuring the right Corporate Service provider) to establish a business, it is not a statutory requirement in the Isle of Man for an application to form a Company or Trust to be made by, or through them.


As the Isle of Man allows the physical presence procedure, we provide guidance services which provide the individual or corporation with the necessary insight of how to successfully establish a private business without the requirement or expenses of a Corporate Service Provider or similar.


We provide guidance and introductions where requested in respect to:


  • Guidance on completing Statutory Documents to form a Company, such as links to the relevant publications 


  • Identifying relevant Office Space for rent from a Commercial Landlord 


  • Installation of Telecoms and Infrastructure


  • Introductions to Tax, Legal and Accountancy Firms


  • Introductions to Banks


  • Introductions to Merchant Payment Processors


  • Introductions  to Infrastructure Providers such as Data Centres 


  • Introductions to Licensed and Regulated eGaming platform providers 


  • Introductions to Corporate Services Providers 

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